Real Estate

Convincing Reasons to Pay for Home Staging Services When Selling Residential Real Estate

Real Estate Blog

Selling residential real estate can be highly profitable but to make the most of your investment, you need to take several measures. For starters, it is advisable to hire a real estate agent to get potential buyers for you, as this professional will have a vast network of connections. The more quality buyers they can provide you with, the higher the likelihood that your property will be off the residential real estate market sooner.

21 December 2021

Top Tips When Buying Commercial Property

Real Estate Blog

Most people have a difficult time when buying commercial property for the first time. More often than not, there is too much paperwork to go through before purchasing the property. A conveyancer will significantly ease this process. Read this guide for some tips on how to buy commercial property and why you need a conveyancer as you purchase such properties.  Property History Your conveyancer will conduct extensive research to identify the following: 

9 December 2020

Are You Ready for Communal Living?

Real Estate Blog

As you may know, the number of people who choose to live in an urban environment has increased exponentially. In fact, more than four out of five people may live in a city or town within a particular state, and this ratio is only likely to increase. You may find that you are on the move in this regard and have decided to live in the middle of the city rather than commute every day.

14 December 2018

Don't forget these costs when planning to buy a home

Real Estate Blog

Most first time homebuyers think that the only expenses they need to come up with are the down payment and monthly mortgage payments. However, the true cost of homeownership is a little more complicated. There are many other costs you need to prepare for to avoid being blindsided with bills at inconveniencing times. It is always a good idea to plan ahead for all anticipated costs before you go deep into the process.

12 September 2018

How to Determine If It's Wise for You to Develop Some Virgin Land

Real Estate Blog

If you're simply fed up with congestion, poor air quality and the other drawbacks of living in a heavily built-up area, then you may be thinking very carefully about buying an undeveloped parcel of land. Certainly, there is a lot of this available in Australia and you can often start with a piece of virgin land and develop a very nice residential property. However, there are a number of factors that you need to think about before you begin this process in earnest, so where do you start?

30 May 2018