Don't forget these costs when planning to buy a home

Real Estate Blog

Most first time homebuyers think that the only expenses they need to come up with are the down payment and monthly mortgage payments. However, the true cost of homeownership is a little more complicated. There are many other costs you need to prepare for to avoid being blindsided with bills at inconveniencing times. It is always a good idea to plan ahead for all anticipated costs before you go deep into the process.

12 September 2018

Role of Pull Handles in Safes


Many people are more often than not faced with the uphill task of finding ways to secure their property, which may be valuable documents to jewelry and money in cases where banking services are remote or also in the case of securing it for a limited time. As a result of this, many will find using a safe with lock keys more preferable than other options for guaranteed security. For one to access the safe, one has to have the required equipment, a key to open the lock, which would otherwise mean that accessibility is limited.

8 September 2018

Cyclone Warning in Place? Why You May Be Overlooking One Particular Threat


When was the last time your area was hit by a major tropical cyclone? If it was quite a while ago, you may have become blasé to the risk and are not too concerned that storm season is rapidly approaching. Yet if one of these systems makes landfall on the coast nearby you will have to be sure that you are as prepared as possible. In particular, you need to safeguard your property from a variety of different threats and not all of these are natural.

30 August 2018

Will Borrowing a Cat Get Rid of Your Mice?


Getting mice out of your house permanently isn't always easy. You may not know where they hide, how many of them there are or where they're coming in from. People may recommend that you get a cat to keep mice at bay; however, this won't work if you don't want the hassle of looking after a pet. If you like the idea of letting a cat take care of your problem and you know people who have cats, then borrowing one for a few days may also work.

29 August 2018

How to Determine If It's Wise for You to Develop Some Virgin Land

Real Estate Blog

If you're simply fed up with congestion, poor air quality and the other drawbacks of living in a heavily built-up area, then you may be thinking very carefully about buying an undeveloped parcel of land. Certainly, there is a lot of this available in Australia and you can often start with a piece of virgin land and develop a very nice residential property. However, there are a number of factors that you need to think about before you begin this process in earnest, so where do you start?

30 May 2018

Top 5 Most Offputting Things For Prospective Property Purchasers and How To Avoid Them


If you're selling your home, you'll need to make sure that your house is top of the properties-for-sale list for house hunters.  However, no matter how appealing the photographs and description on the real estate agents' website, it could all come to nothing if buyers are put off when they come around for a viewing.  Here are the top 5 things guaranteed to frighten away potential purchasers, together with ways of making sure that you don't fall into these traps.

22 September 2016

Get That Property Deal Complete Before the Day's End with A Mobile Conveyancer.


In case you are planning to buy or sell a property, by hiring a mobile conveyancer, you will only need to sign the documents. Mobile conveyancing is very helpful to busy clients who are always at work and the elderly who find it inconvenient to travel to the offices to sign the needed paperwork. As a client, you just see the small portion of the bigger work done behind the scenes by a mobile conveyancer.

15 March 2016